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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Open Sores

I am a coward with open sores.

I write and wonder how many it bores.

I hear my mind 
argue with my heart repeatedly.

I see others carrying out my dreams, 
and that’s what’s defeated me.

I am a coward with open sores.

I pretend open doors are closed 
and walk the other way.

I touch base 
with the fear in my heart; 
it tears me apart 
and makes me reluctant today.

I worry that the world will leave me.

I cry because no one believes in me.

I am a coward with open sores.

I understand that nothing comes easy.

I say I’m happy 
but even I don’t believe me.

I dream I am healed and brave.

I try to overcome my weaknesses 
before I’m in my grave.

I hope you hear me, 
I’m on all fours.

I am a coward with open sores.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I think this expresses a feeling a lot of us have sometimes.